
Cinema space

Cinema Space

A Small Cinema, is a unique short film event borne out of a fascination and desire to recreate the classic cinematic experience. Complete with smartly dressed ushers, velvet curtains, and popcorn. A Small Cinema offers a refreshing alternative to the multiplex.

Originally conceived as a showcase event for film-makers in the North West, A Small Cinema is currently being developed as a community engagement project by artist collective Re-Dock, facilitating communities in hosting their own short film events. The collecting and sharing of memories between particpants is central to the creation of the community Small Cinemas.

The name A Small Cinema was chosen to imply the existence an ecology of small cinemas; something now generally absent in this country. Some cities such as Berlin are lucky in that they have many small movie theatres. I am interested in how a modern city can sustain such an ecology.

For more information contact manager@asmallcinema.co.uk

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